3.6.0 Aug 05 2024
- Improvements to DIPOLE module (what else ?):
- Row re-ordering of datasets in PLOT tab
- Add multiple selection of datasets in PLOT tab
- Display Real/Imaginary parts in PLOT tab
- Display correlation between pilot sensors in PILOTS tab
- Use pilot correlation to determine sign changes in FRF
- Use phase of pilots as reference in RAW plots of FRF
- Option to import limits using points (e.g. responses) as an alternative to the segment format
- Relocate NOTCH menu in PRIMODAL window closer to SENSOR
- DMAP primodal_v2024.dmp for MSC/NASTRAN v2024
3.5.0 Apr 25 2024
- Improvements to DIPOLE module:
- Bug fix in displayed PSHELL and PCOMP IDs
- Import/Export options for Spec SPL and PSD
- RESP tab for nodal responses and CELAS/CBUSH forces
- STRESS tab compatible HEXA, PENTA, TETRA elements
- Export added mass and damping to DMI tables for use in standard SOL 111 via dmap add_mc_v2018.dmp
- STRESS tab for RMS and PSD stresses in volume elements
- Improvements to NOTCH module:
- Import/Export sensor status (r,x) in PLOT and NOTCH tabs
- Bug fix when displaying Target RMS values in NOTCH tab
- WordPlot in PLOT tab to print responses to Word file
- Use Amplitude/Phase interpolation with phase unwrapping when merging UNV files with different frequencies
- Units for combined responses using COCA and UNIT files
- MASSOP with COG acceleration
- MASSOP with choice of acceleration units (g or m/s2)
- Improvements to SENSOR module:
- Export of Initial or Normalized responses to UNV file
- Bug fix when importing PBUSH entries for particular number of entries and NASTRAN version
- First version OCHECK module:
- Orthogonality checks between FE and TEST models
- Use of condensed matrices using Guyan reduction
- Natural frequencies associated with condensed matrices
- Management of local reference frames
- Orthogonality, Normalized Orthogonality and MAC values
3.4.2 Jan 09 2024
- Improvements to NOTCH module:
- Release PCH file (fclose) after importing
- Take into account complex PSD when computing rms values
- Bug fix when computing rms values under a segment with slope close to but not equal to -1 dB/oct
- Bug fix in NASTRAN INCLUDE utility: relative paths that appear explicitly are always defined w.r.t. level 0
3.4.1 Nov 13 2023
- Improvements to NOTCH module:
- Rename datasets in DATABASE tab
- Option to plot the octave bands without PSD in PLOT tab
- Export octave bands to UNV/EXT/ClipBoard
- Frequency Line in NOTCH tab
- Selection of sensor from Rank panel using new toggle “R”
- New toggle buttons in NOTCH tab for graphical control
- RMS notching using all limits or selected sensor limit
- Bug fix in Cutting Line in NOTCH tab when plotting rank
- Bug fix in alinement of frequency scales due to zero abscissa values not plotted when using log scale
- Bug fix when importing spring forces using CELAS in coca
- Maximum number of ranks displayed in Rank panel modifiable in param_notch.m configuration file
- Improvements to DIPOLE module:
- Bug fix when defining SPL profile
- Log file created when calculating Pjump
3.4.0 Oct 05 2023
- First version of DIPOLE module:
- Vibro-acoustic response of unbaffled shell structures
- Acoustic elements using PHSELL and PCOMP entries
- Use of plane waves to determine blocked pressure
- Added mass and damping due to radiation effects
- Definition of acoustic elements using PHSELL and PCOMP
- Management of multiple configurations
- Graphical display of modes, areas, ka values, pressure
- Generation of all NASTRAN entries for random analysis
- ABAQUS interface for model importing
- Improved “SG001 to NASTRAN” utility:
- Matrices do not have to immediately follow NPCO and FRD tables in SG001 file
- Contents of all NPCO/FRD tables can be displayed
- SPOINT can be renumbered with optional starting ID
3.3.6 Aug 30 2023
- Improvements to NOTCH module:
- Enhanced cutting line with dB distance option (dB distance expressed as 10log10(ytop/ybottom)
- Verify that pilot sensors have non-zero amplitudes over entire frequency range
- Compatibility with MATLAB >= 2022a
- Bug fix in zoom and pick toggles in RESP module
- Import element STRAIN and KINETIC energies to RESP module
- PCH to UNV conversion in RESP module extended to time and frequency responses
- Improvements to MEANDEF Utility:
- Bug fix when importing h5 without any SET entries
- For each GRID SET, filter out GRID IDs not in model
- Bug fix when other than volume elements are present
- Bug fix for outputs other than STRESS and STRAIN
- Bug fix in SOLO module when displaying responses due to slightly negative STL values
3.3.5 Apr 05 2023
- Bug fix in ORTHOPT module for models with a single MAT9
- Orthogonality Check in COMP module using DMIG mass matrix
- NOTCH module improvements:
- Bug fix in identified effective parameters in PLOT tab
- Bug fix when all sensors are inactive in NOTCH tab
- Bug fix in NOTCH tab when exporting sensor names
- Bug fix in NOTCH tab when displaying un-notched RMS values in Target panel of NOTCH tab
- New BIP format with optional third column to prescribe slopes as alternative to x and y values
- Units file for Nastran import includes separate entries for MPCF, SPCF, CELAS and CBUSH response types
- Improved plot modes in NOTCH tab: Response Plot, Rank Plot and Unit Limits Plot
- Improved management of Selected Limits in NOTCH tab for All and Reduced sensors
- Tabular export of notched BIP in NOTCH tab now includes all notchers instead of notchers for a selected rank
3.3.4 Sep 20 2022
- NOTCH module improvements:
- Choice of interpolation (lin or log) for base input and limits profiles (SINE datasets only). RAND datasets always use log interpolation
- Power parameter in PLOT tab to raise plotted responses to a user-defined power (typically 2 or 1/2)
- Template for importing UNIV files in order to read properties located in first 5 records of dataset
- COMB file compatible with SinePost format
- COMB file can contain intermediate output sensors not declared in the COCA file
- Optional removal of repeated sensors during PCH import
- Increase the number of datasets in the PLOT tab to 20
- Display dataset name at top of listbox in PLOT tab
- Improved graphics picking in PLOT, PILOTS and LIMITS
- Dataset selection figure in PLOT tab is now resizeable
3.3.3 Jul 28 2022
- NOTCH module improvements:
- Frequency range selection when importing UNIV datasets
- Automatic removal of zero-frequency point when importing responses to avoid problems with log-related operations
- Import of PCH files which do not have line numbers in columns 72-80 (e.g. Optistruct)
- Optional display of “unclipped” notched BIP in order to see notching margin
- Bug fix in MODI module when opening model
3.3.2 Jun 14 2022
- Bug fix in NOTCH Mass Operator when importing superelement PCH file created with ASET grids containing a single DOF
3.3.1 May 18 2022
- Bug fix in NOTCH when editing BIP manually or graphically
- Bug fix in NOTCH when importing large PUNCH files
3.3.0 Apr 20 2022
- NOTCH module with random notching capabilities:
- Import of PSD (or conversion of FRF to equivalent PSD)
- Computation of RMS values for full range and by bands
- Display of average PSD by 1, 1/3 and 1/6 octave ranges
- Use of PSD limits and/or RMS limits
- Adjustement of PSD limits via target RMS values
3.2.3 Mar 14 2022
- New message boxes with default keyboard actions
- Improvements to NOTCH module
- Improved editor for limits in LIMITS and NOTCH tab
- Improved editor for BIP in PILOT and NOTCH tab
- Auto-update in TABLES tab when selecting options
3.2.2 Feb 21 2022
- Improvements to NOTCH module
- Bug fix in PLOT tab when selecting A-Z checkbox
- Display sensor name when picking values in PLOT tab
- Increase format precision in exported BIP file
- Display rms value in PLOT tab legend when applicable
- Display rms value in PILOT tab legend when applicable
3.2.1 Jan 21 2022
- Bug fix when importing model to a newly created project
- Bug fixes in DATABASE tab of NOTCH module:
- Load panel listbox when selecting loads
- UNV and EXT interface when importing Test dataset
- PCH and H5 interface when importing Analysis dataset
3.2.0 Jan 14 2022
- Upgraded to MATLAB v2019a – corresponding MCR required
- MATLAB version requires v2018a or more recent
- Porous materials using equivalent fluids in RESP module
- Folder selection in Project Manager
- Improvements to NOTCH module
- NASTRAN response input via H5 file
- Define and convert units when importing PCH and H5 files
- Editing of response limitations directly in NOTCH tab
- Display and export of BIPN and CN values in NOTCH tab
3.1.5 Oct 02 2021
- Bug fix in NX V10.2 import with fluid cavities
- Nastran Import improvments:
- Improved Nastran version check for CQUAD8 elements
- For OP2, import modes from OUG1 if OUGV1 does not exist
- CHOQ module improvements:
- Add velocity V(t) to DynaWorks export table
3.1.4 May 03 2021
- Bug fix in NX/NASTRAN dmap v10.2 (models with rigid modes)
- Bug fixes in SOLO module:
- Managing porous and fluid models
- Analyzing FE models with rigid body modes
3.1.3 Mar 03 2021
- Bug fix when creating animated GIF in COMP module
3.1.2 Feb 15 2021
- Bug fix when importing nastran DMIG entries containing the letter D in the expression (e.g. 1.23D-5)
3.1.1 Jan 05 2021
- Improvements to SOLO module:
- STL and volume velocity PSD
- Graphical display of STL and volume velocities on mesh
- Improved STL computation with display of remaining time
- Rw and average dB performance indicators
- Vibration absorbers via TVD configurations
3.1.0 Nov 18 2020
- First version of CHOQ module for shock synthesis using fast sine sweep (FSS) method
3.0.17 Nov 13 2020
- Bug fix in SENOPT with MATLAB 2018 when editing Pilots or creating wireframe mesh
- Use selected modes only when exporting bulk from NASTAR
- Bug fix importing models with CBUSH using Nastran v2020
- Bug fix in VIAC animation when changing animation params
- Bug fix in 3D plot of zones using Show/Hide Zones
3.0.16 Jul 31 2020
- Bug fix in Tappa for COCA for grids not in ascending order
- Bug fix in NX-NASTRAN dmap when importing kinetic energies
3.0.15 Jun 10 2020
- Bug fix in modal kinetic energies using NX/Nastran V9 & 10
3.0.14 Jan 29 2019
- Bug fix when animating complex reference modes in COMP
- Bug fix in frequencies imported from NX V9.0
3.0.13 Nov 27 2019
- Bug fix in rank table for Limit of selected sensor
3.0.12 Nov 25 2019
- Save variables exceeding 2 GB (MATLAB >= R2017a only)
- Correction in Nastran version detection for MAT2 and MAT9
- Indicate Primodal build in exported reduced models
- Viscoelastic zones using multiple mode sets
3.0.11 Jul 19 2019
- Bug fix in IDEN when specifying Fmin during FRF import
- Bug fix when importing BULK mesh with large format entries
- Speed improvements for MATLAB 2018a version
3.0.10 May 17 2019
- Improved Nastran version detection for MAT2 and MAT9
- Improvements to SENSOR module:
- Bug fix to avoid left-handed New Coordinate Systems
- Flip only when gain in orientation error > 0.1
3.0.9 May 10 2019
- Improvements to NOTCH module:
- COMB file can now be imported with PCH file
- Use linear interpolation by default when importing AD02
3.0.8 Apr 29 2019
- New dmap primodal_v2017.dmp for MSC/NASTRAN >= V2017
- Bug fix in SENSOR for COCA file entries w/o responses
- Bug fix in NASTRAN INCLUDE tool when using relative paths
- Bug fix in detection of residual modes in Nastran import
3.0.7 Mar 11 2019
- Single precision option in SOLO to reduce required memory
- Bug fix in MASS OP to allow for “GRID *” entries in PCH
- DMIG with TIN = 2 allowed (although “E” exponent assumed)
3.0.6 Jan 29 2019
- Introduce padding for animation in TAPPA module
- Optional fmin selection when importing FRF in IDEN module
3.0.5 Dec 04 2018
- Bug fix when exporting time history in TOMA module
- NASTRAN import with duplicate GRID and CORD IDs
3.0.4 Oct 16 2018
- Bug fix when exporting pilot inaccuracy BIP in PILOTS tab
- Bug fix in mesh plot of solid elements using fast graphics
3.0.3 Oct 05 2018
- Faster 3D graphics for models with large number of solids
- Cutting Plane refresh performed after mouse release
- Bug fix when using MODESELECT in NASTRAN
3.0.2 Sep 19 2018
- Bug fix when opening build history with blanks in filepath
3.0.1 Aug 30 2018
- Bug fixes in NOTCH module:
- Menus in EXT file import window were not working
- Wrong selected responses exported to UNV file
- Incorrect results using Pilot Inaccuracies in BIP tab
3.0.0 Jul 24 2018
- First delivery of V3.0
- Official release of NOTCH module
- New SOLO module for sound transmission loss in panels
- Compatibility with MATLAB V2018a
2.9.16 Jul 16 2018
- Bug fixes in NOTCH module:
- Inactive sensors excluded when determining rank
- BIP magnitude plotted in PLOT tab (was real part)
- Limits in RUN tab properly displayed
- Picking values in PILOTS tab
- Bug fix in SENSOR module when coca file references sensors that are not in the experimental mesh
- More reliable nas_call function to determine end of job by searching for “finished” text in LOG file
2.9.15 Jun 18 2018
- Improvments to Mass Operator in Notch module:
- Compatible with local coordinate systems in NASTRAN model
- Compatible with condensed models containing superelements
- ASET may contain a superset of DOF used by COCA file
- Optional BULK file to define local sensor orientations
- Check mode to verify input data and display results
- Improvements to OP4 Scan utility:
- Works with binary and text OP4 files
- Export one or all matrices to MAT-file
- Bug fix when selecting Reference model in UPDATE, CRE_LOC and CRE_UP modules
2.9.14 May 16 2018
- Mass operator import option without DMAP in NOTCH module
- Improvements to IDEN module when importing FRF:
- Automatic generation of sensor name when blank or “NONE”
- Limit frequency range to user-defined fmax
- REDMOD module user interface automatically saved
- Coupled fluid-structure enhancements:
- DMAP scripts for NASTRAN V2010 and V2013-present
- Viscous damping taken into account
- Minor bug fixes
- Bug fix in Effective Mass tables for models with fluid cavities and models with complex modes
2.9.13 Dec 18 2017
- Improved fluid-structure coupled analysis:
- Improved DMAP for SOL 103 couple analysis
- New DMAP for SOL 107 coupled analysis
- Compatibility with sensitivity analysis and reduced models
- Improvements in SENSOR module:
- Improved algorithm for determining new coordinate systems
- Animation fo responses via Pick Values icon
- Bug fix when displaying effective masses in IDEN
- Padding used by default when animating mesh in IDEN
- Corrections in ABAQUS and MARC reduced models
2.9.12 Oct 31 2017
- New AERO module for evaluating aerodynamic stability of flexible rocket nozzles subjected to a compression shock
2.9.11 Jul 11 2017
- Import of superelement strain energies via .pm4 and .red files
- Table of entire MAC matrix in COMP module
- Response import in RESP module via TEXT file
2.9.10 Jun 12 2017
- Bug fix in Notch module when using Print menu
2.9.9 Jun 02 2017
- Energy decomposition dmap script primodal_nrg_v2017.dmp for MSC/NASTRAN >= v2017
- Minor bug fixes (control issues) in ORTHOPT module
2.9.8 May 09 2017
- New TAPPA module for inspecting, analyzing and validating FRF obtained from modal survey tests
- Selection of optimal excitation points in SENOPT module
- Node pairing option in COMP module using correspondence file containing Model-Reference node pairs
- Rigid junction node “JRIGID” available in RESP module for models with hyperstatic (indeterminate) junctions
2.9.7 Apr 03 2017
- Bug fix in Notch module when using cutline with log scales
- Import fluid cavity modes for future STL module
- SAMCEF import: render model import independent of model size
2.9.6 Mar 09 2017
- Bug fix in Project Manager when performing rename, repath and remove of projects
2.9.5 Mar 04 2017
- Bug fix in NASTRAN model import with repeated element IDs involving elements with no property cards (CELAS2, etc)
2.9.4 Feb 20 2017
- Bug fix in IDEN when importing mesh with no elements
2.9.3 Jan 31 2017
- SAMCEF interface compatible with V15, V16 and V17
- Reduce marker size of nodes in 3D plots
2.9.2 Jan 23 2017
- SAMCEF interface improvements:
- Modes with MF = 0, 1 and 4
- Addition of CPENTA and CTETRA volume elements
2.9.1 Jan 09 2017
- Junction DOF added to ABAQUS import ($ JUNCTION DOF)
2.9.0 Dec 12 2016
- First delivery of V2.9:
- New VOLUMES module for modification of elements within user-defined volumes
- New ORTHOPT module for optimization of orthotropic material engineering constants
- Sensitivity analysis for orthotropic materials
- Matlab version ported to most recent versions of MATLAB
- Compiled version available for V2012a and V2013a MCR
- License control features for rental version
- Parameterized management of Build number and date
- Numerous enhancements and bug fixes