- Roy, N., Germès, S., Efficient Computation of Sound Absorption in Panel Structures with Porous Cavities, European Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials and Environmental Testing, Toulouse, France, March 28 – 30, 2023. Download
Roy, N., Brault, T., Larroque, T., Dynamic Analysis of Parameterized Models using Residual Modes, European Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials and Environmental Testing, DLR, Germany, March 23 – 25, 2021. Download
- Roy, N., Brault, T., Dynamic Analysis of FE Models with Fluid Cavities for Improved Correlation with Vibration Tests, European Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials and Environmental Testing, DLR, Germany, March 23 – 25, 2021. Download
- Cavro, E., Roy, N., Girard, A., Dupuis, P-E, Hot, A., Gant, F., Fast Sine Sweep as an Alternative to Classical Sine Sweep for S/C Qualification, European Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials and Environmental Testing, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, May 28 – June 1, 2018. Download
- Arena, R., Giuliano, M., Girault, N., Roy, N., Estimation of Effective Masses and Interface Loads by Complementary Vibration Test, European Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials and Environmental Testing, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, May 28 – June 1, 2018. Download
- Violin, M., Cavro, E., Roy, N., Sine Sweep Effect on Specimen Modal Parameters Characterization, European Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials and Environmental Testing, Toulouse, Sept 27-30, 2016. Download
- Roy, N., Larroque, T., Brault, T., Buffe, F., A Complex Mode Approach for the Validation of FE Models with Structural Damping, European Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials and Environmental Testing, Braunschweig, Germany, April 1-4, 2014. Download
- Roy, N., Girard, A., Revisiting the Effect of Sine Sweep Rate on on Modal Identification, European Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials and Environmental Testing, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, March 20-23, 2012. Download
Séon, G., Roy, N., Vibro-acoustic Response to Diffuse Acoustic Field using a Modal Approach and Application to the IXV Re-entry Vehicle Design Justification, Proceedings EUCASS, St Petersburg, Russia, July 2011. Download
- Roy, N., Buffe, F., Improved Modal Identification from Base Excitation Vibration Tests using Modal Effective Parameters, European Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials and Mechanical Testing, Toulouse, France, Sept. 15-17, 2009. Download
Abbadi, Z., Merlette, N., Roy, N., Response Computation of Structures with Viscoelastic Damping Materials using a Modal Approach, 5th Symposium of Automobile and Railroad Comfort, Le Mans, France, Nov. 19-20, 2008. Download
Roy, N., Abbadi, Z., Balmès, E., Damping Specification of Automobile Structural Components via Modal Projection, ISMA International Conference on Noise & Vibration Engineering, Leuven, Belgium, Sept. 15-17, 2008. Download
Roy, N., Lapi, M., Efficient Computation of the Radiated Sound Power of Vibrating Structures using a Modal Approach, Proceedings Acoustics ’08, Paris, France, June 29 – July 4, 2008. Download
Roy, N., Germès, S., Lefebvre, B., Balmès, E., Damping Allocation in Automotive Structures using Reduced Models, ISMA International Conference on Noise & Vibration Engineering, Leuven, Belgium, Sept. 18-20, 2006. Download
Roy, N., Girard, A., Impact of Residual Modes in Structural Dynamics, European Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials and Mechanical Testing, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, May 10-12, 2005. Download
Roy, N., Garcia de Paredes, S., A Stochastic Approach to the Validation of Spacecraft Structural Dynamic Models, European Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials and Mechanical Testing, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, May 10-12, 2005. Download